What's Geyluv?


           As the world has been aware of the growing number of homosexuals, some have taken advanced measures to make the homosexuals feel that their gender option is never a hindrance for equal treatment while others still couldn’t accept the idea and try to bully the different physically, mentally and socially. In relation to this, I decided to make a bit of review of the story I had read back when I took my Philippine Literature class. The story is titled Geyluv by Honorio Bartolome.

           The story of Geyluv by Honorio Bartolome talks about how a man romantically loving another man handles the dilemma of expressing his love around his prejudiced society. The character of Benjie is portrayed as an obvious homosexual who fears for commitment with a man because he is afraid of being used, afraid that people might use his homosexuality for selfish motives while Mike is considered to be a real man who has a shattered relationship and who could only find comfort in the arms of Benjie. The story shows how Benjie fears to be too close with Mike because he doesn’t want to destroy their friendship and how Mike shows his confusions towards his sexuality after having found solace to Benjie. The dynamic variation of point of views of the characters has given Benjie’s fears and Mike’s confusion more emphasis. The story ended to be hanging but leaves a presumption for the readers that both the fears and confusions of the characters have been resolved.

            In the real life, the emergence of the homosexuals often leaves a negative connotation to most conservative people because homosexuality has been considered a deviant behavior since it does not conform to society's standards. People may say that they had long accepted these homosexuals because of its prevalence in the present, however; we can never deny the fact that there is still a feeling of indifference and disappointment when we discover that the once straight person we know has confessed of his inclination to feminism. Likewise, the story wants to present that homosexuals are not wholly accepted in the society, nevertheless, the author wants to impart to the readers that the gay people are also like all other human beings who can be hurt, who can get angry, who can cry, laugh, curse and at the same time love another person regardless of his gender, thus; the author illustrates that they should be respected and be accepted for who they are.

In conclusion, as part of the society, we must not show indifference or disgust towards the homosexuals because they all deserve to be valued equally. The fundamental elements, I think, for a harmonious living with the third-sex people are understanding and acceptance of the people around them.


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